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Forumu saraksts/Igaunijas vērtspapīru tirgus/Warsaw Stock exchange
Pievienots: 01.11.2004
Ziņojumi: 556
Warsaw Stock exchange
14.08.2005 12:03
Lietuva jau ir zem Igainijas zara, kapec lai nebutu Polija?grin

Vai kads nepateiks prieksha efektivako veidu tikt klat pie WSE akcijam vai to GDRiem? Konkreti interese PKN Orlen, Pekao, BZ WBK, BPH PBK. Varbut kads zina shito kantoru GDRus kuriem var tikt klat caur Ameritrade vai ari nesapigu veidu ka tikt pie pasham WSE akcijam?
Pievienots: 01.11.2004
Ziņojumi: 556
Re: Warsaw Stock exchange
14.08.2005 12:11
Starp citu, hansanet centradi ir items

8.12. ar Polijā, Ungārijā, Čehijā kotētajām akcijām izmantojot Hanza.net

0.55%, min 30 LVL


Tikai pasha investora kaut kaa neredz kur to varetu realizeet. Jaazvana brokerim vai?

Un izcenojums salidzinot ar AMTD ar kaut kaads zveerisks, tapec gaidu hintus par GDRiem
Pievienots: 13.10.2004
Ziņojumi: 3487
Re: Warsaw Stock exchange
19.04.2006 14:55
Caur Unibanku 0.4%, min 20 LVL
Pievienots: 22.04.2007
Ziņojumi: 8
Re: Warsaw Stock exchange
22.04.2007 11:41
I'm not quite sure what you're writing, but as I guess the subject are the commisions on the WSE.

For a polish brokerage house the standard is 0,39% (min 5 PLN = approx. 19 EUR). The capital gains tax is 19%. The spread for converting euros to PLN is about 2-3,6%, depending on a bank.
Pievienots: 13.10.2004
Ziņojumi: 3487
Re: Warsaw Stock exchange
22.04.2007 13:34
Thank you.
19% Capital gains tax....the main problem
Pievienots: 22.04.2007
Ziņojumi: 8
Re: Warsaw Stock exchange
22.04.2007 16:23
And in Latvia you have 15%, am I right? Is it the same in all the Baltic countries?

If I invested in Baltic states, I'd pay 15% in Latvia (if I sold Latvian shares with profit) plus 4% in Poland (no double taxation). Possibly, if you invested in Poland, you'd pay 19% in Poland, however 4% would be tax deductible in Latvia (it's just reasoning, you'd have to check it).

Anyway, capital gains tax sucks.
Pievienots: 13.10.2004
Ziņojumi: 3487
Re: Warsaw Stock exchange
22.04.2007 17:20
AAA, we have't to pay capital gain tax.
I don't know about non residents.
Pievienots: 22.04.2007
Ziņojumi: 8
Re: Warsaw Stock exchange
22.04.2007 22:43
I checked it, in the baltic contries the Cap. Gain Tax is only present in Lithuania. smile 
Pievienots: 19.04.2006
Ziņojumi: 136
Re: Warsaw Stock exchange
23.04.2007 11:41
Nesen arī LHV sāka piedāvāt tirgoties Polijā. Komisija 10 LVL + 0.5%. Tāda pati ir arī Čehijai un Ungārijai.
Forumu saraksts/Igaunijas vērtspapīru tirgus/Warsaw Stock exchange
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