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Forumu saraksts/Ofšori, nodokļi, juridiskie jautājumi/Fondu tirgus: juridiskie jautajumi
Day Trader
Day Trader
Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 7722
Re: Fondu tirgus: juridiskie jautajumi
03.10.2007 19:53
Компания European Prosperity Club Corporation (European American Prosperity Trust Corporation), поменяв название на Mulberry Group или Mulberry Team, продолжает заниматься привлечением вкладов в Латвии, не имея на это соответствующей лицензии, рассказала представитель Комиссии рынка финансов и капитала Латвии (КРФК) Иева Уплея.

КРФК сообщает, что у упомянутых компаний нет лицензии, поэтому они не имеют права предоставлять жителям Латвии подобные услуги. Кроме того, существуют основания полагать, что в мошеннических схемах вложений действуют и другие компании: Wellwhell Public Limited; Pantley Assets Inc., Berumen Corporation и Leo Finance Ltd.
Pievienots: 11.07.2005
Ziņojumi: 7056
Re: Fondu tirgus: juridiskie jautajumi
17.01.2008 15:13
SEC Sues Russian Trader Over Scheme To Control Option Prices Last update: 1/16/2008 5:04:59 PM  
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--U.S. regulators filed a lawsuit Wednesday against a Russian citizen who allegedly tampered with online brokerage accounts to engineer profitable trades from himself. Anatoly Russ, 25 years old, used stolen user names and passwords for seven online brokerage accounts to place orders that offset his own trading in iShares Lehman Aggregate Bond Fund options, the Securities and Exchange Commission said. It said online brokerage account holders at E*trade Securities, TD Ameritrade and Scottrade didn't know about the trading, which was done with funds in their accounts. Russ ensured profits by placing his own orders to buy options contracts at artificially low prices and offsetting them with trades from the online brokerage accounts that he broke into, the SEC said. It claimed Russ then sold the options at artificially high prices, using buy orders from the online accounts he tampered with. The SEC estimates Russ pulled in at least $88,465, which he wired to a Latvian bank account, while online account holders, who would have lost upward of $339,000, were made whole by the brokerage firms. Online brokerage account intrusions aren't new, but earlier incidents involved so-called "pump and dump" schemes in which the intruder uses others' accounts to sell shares at inflated prices. In this case, the trader was both a buyer and a seller, something that U.S. regulators said they haven't seen previously. The SEC suit, filed in federal court in Manhattan, said the alleged account intrusions occurred over several weeks in August and September 2006 and involved four series of option contracts on the Lehman bond fund. The options were so thinly traded that on some days, Russ' trading accounted for nearly all of the market activity, according to the SEC. It wants to fine Russ, have him return his allegedly ill-gotten trading gains, with interest, and obtain a court order barring him from such violations in the future. Russ isn't believed to be represented by a lawyer and couldn't be reached immediately for comment. U.S. officials believe he resides in Novaya Ladoga, Russia.
Pievienots: 17.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 2022
Re: Fondu tirgus: juridiskie jautajumi
18.01.2008 00:49
maxxtro - jātur konti pie brokeriem, kas piedāvā iespēju lietot digitālos kalkulatorus piekļūšanai kontam.  Interactive Brokers nu jau kādu laiku piedāvā ikvienam lietot šādu kalkulatoru. Manējais jau pirms kāda gada atnāca ar DHL pastu un tagad drošības ziņā esmu pavisam mierīgs. Bet pirms tam es jutos visai neomulīgi, jo pat parole IB nedrīkst pārsniegt 8 zīmes. Username + 8 zīmju parole, man tas likās stirpi par maz, lai neteiktu vairāk...  Tas kalkulators, protams,  sagādā papildus neērtības, bet nu labāk tā, nekā kādu rītu pamosties ar penny stock portfeli, kas sapirkts par astronomiskām cenāmsmile
p.s. Visiem, kas treido caur IB, I\iesaku pieteikties uz šo kodu kallkulatoru.
Forumu saraksts/Ofšori, nodokļi, juridiskie jautājumi/Fondu tirgus: juridiskie jautajumi
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