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Forumu saraksts/Valūtas tirgi/Currency Traiding
Seller of Smiles
Seller of Smiles
Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 9511
Re: Currency Traiding
15.01.2015 12:54

applause applause applause applause applause applause applause applause applause

Pievienots: 18.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 4665
Re: Currency Traiding
15.01.2015 12:56

kas to izraisija?

Pievienots: 18.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 4665
Re: Currency Traiding
15.01.2015 12:59

Atradu. Procentu likmes.

Pievienots: 18.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 4665
Re: Currency Traiding
15.01.2015 13:00

Kā dzīvē strādā negatīvas procentu likmes? ja esi paņēmis kredītu, tad jāatdot mazāka summa nekā aizņēmies? vai , ja aiznes uz banku 1000, pēc gada dabū 992.5 ?

Seller of Smiles
Seller of Smiles
Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 9511
Re: Currency Traiding
15.01.2015 13:01

vai tad procentu likmes? Tur tak SNB maaksliigi tureeja "cap" uz kursu, jo CHF tak ir "safe heaven"

Pievienots: 18.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 4665
Re: Currency Traiding
15.01.2015 13:03

Libor rate -0.75. Kas tas ir?

Pievienots: 22.11.2007
Ziņojumi: 571
Re: Currency Traiding
15.01.2015 13:10

Tas atteicas uz bankām. Jā - nogulda x, pēc termiņa beigām saņem mazāk. ECB to jau ir piemērojusi. Var paskatīt kaut vai te: http://www.sarunas.lv/lv/karjera-nauda/finanses-un-pl-no-ana/1535-par-negat-vu-depoz-ta-likmi#.VLefiv6_zxk

Seller of Smiles
Seller of Smiles
Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 9511
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 06:48

šis bija konkrēts sitiens pa forexa virtuvēm, piemēram palielais FXCM:

Seller of Smiles
Seller of Smiles
Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 9511
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 06:49

In a re-run of the catastrophic trading losses that occurred around the Russian Ruble collapse last month two FX brokers (US-based FXCM and New Zealand-based Excel Markets) announced tonight that they “can no longer meet regulatory minimum capitalization requirements," due to "significant losses" suffered by clients. For FXCM these losses mean a $225 million negative equity balance and they are actively discussing alternatives with regulators. For Excel Markets, it is over... "we will not be able to resume business...Client positions will be closed within the next hour."

Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 6390
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 10:41

Nauda jau nekur nezuda, pārgāja citās rokās. Nez kas ir vakardienas Soross? smile

Pievienots: 11.07.2005
Ziņojumi: 7183
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 11:04

Vakar arii EURUSD bija 200 pipshu sitiens vienaa mirkli. Redzeju to ar savam acim Metatreideraa

Pievienots: 11.07.2005
Ziņojumi: 7183
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 11:47

In a surprise move, the Swiss National Bank concluded today that the 1.20-per-euro cap is no longer justified, and, additionally, cut the interest rate on sight deposits and the target range for the 3-month LIBOR.

All this resulted in a 20% surge of the Swiss currency against EUR and other majors.

Due to today’s exceptional market volatility in CHF currency pairs, all brokers and banks worldwide have been filling orders in extremely abnormal market conditions.

Once the true market liquidity will be established with more clarity, all executed fills will be revised and amended to more accurate levels.

This may result in a worse execution fills than currently reflected in your account's history.

We are doing our outmost to speed up the revision, however, please be aware that the end-of-day account statement for January 15th with any transactions in CHF may be recalculated.

We kindly apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Seller of Smiles
Seller of Smiles
Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 9511
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 12:12

Es domāju ka liela daļa no virtuvēm tagad vienkārši izdzēsīs tos paperprofitus kas daudziem ir. Vinnestus tāpat nevienam neizmaksās, viņu līgumos tur ir 100 un 1 punkts kas to ļauj darīt

Seller of Smiles
Seller of Smiles
Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 9511
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 12:50


Alpari salikaas crazy un izskataas, ka Oanda arii

visas lielaas virtuves blansh

Seller of Smiles
Seller of Smiles
Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 9511
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 18:30

Izgreba pat slavenais Goldmans kursh bija shortaa uz franka:

In our portfolios with currencies, we have been short the CHF on the grounds that it was an expensive currency which we expected would experience capital outflows as European growth normalized. We were surprised by the sudden removal of the peg. Although the CHF real effective exchange rate is lower than during the European crisis of 2011, it has actually appreciated in recent months. We exited a substantial portion of our CHF short today and are monitoring the situation closely.

Eu nu bet toch jautaajums KURSH PANJEEMA NAUDU?

Seller of Smiles
Seller of Smiles
Pievienots: 16.08.2004
Ziņojumi: 9511
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 19:56

I was buying short tearm options through SAXO bank trade floor. Initaly I was working with 20 000 USD, last morning 12:00 I fell to 16000 usd and I couldnt withdraw it from the account. After that they recalculated my loss and said that I am -400 000 usd, and a bit later -560 000 USD, and that I haver to cover that Loss in the next couple of months ???????!!!!!, Did anyone have the same problem? During trade, option for this not to happen was ON. What are my responsibilities in this case? I couldnt do anything to stop this…!!! 

Pievienots: 13.12.2014
Ziņojumi: 137
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 20:02

kas tas par joku ?

Pievienots: 13.12.2014
Ziņojumi: 137
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 20:04

te no tās pašas tēmas

Pievienots: 13.12.2014
Ziņojumi: 137
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 20:05


Pievienots: 11.07.2005
Ziņojumi: 7183
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 22:58


Sos, nu laikam tie shveicieshi, kuri pienema lemumu...  Kaapeec nenoshortot parejas valutas pret franku. Tur vini vareja taadu piki panemt, mama negorjuj   twisted

Pievienots: 13.12.2014
Ziņojumi: 137
Re: Currency Traiding
16.01.2015 23:35

FXCM arī šodien down -80%

Pievienots: 11.07.2005
Ziņojumi: 7183
Re: Currency Traiding
19.01.2015 00:49

  • Everest Capital's Global Fund is closing after having lost almost all its money after the Swiss National Bank (SNB) scrapped its three-year-old cap on the franc against the euro, Bloomberg news reported on Saturday.
  • Everest Capital, based in Miami and specializing in emerging markets, still manages seven funds with about $2.2 billion in assets.
  • Citing a person familiar with the firm, Bloomberg said the fund had been betting that the Swiss franc would decline. The fund had about $830 million in assets at the end of 2014, according to a client report cited by Bloomberg.

Pievienots: 01.02.2015
Ziņojumi: 116
Re: Currency Traiding
28.02.2015 16:43

visur raksta ka Alpari ir bankrots,bet vēl joprojām viņiem vis notiek un naudas pat izmaksājas...  un tiem kuriem stop loss stāvēja,viņiem arī atdeva atpakaļ naudu,bet iespējams ka ne visiem!un tas ka viņi ir vieni no lielākajiem brokeriem,tas nenozīmē ka viņi nevar bankrotēt un uzmest cilvēkus,labāk ja tirgo ar lielām summām,tad tirgot pie kādiem trijiem brokeriem,tad ka tas " zars saplīsīs" ir mazāka varbūtība! 

Pievienots: 14.12.2009
Ziņojumi: 865
Re: Currency Traiding
08.03.2015 10:03

Te aizņemts biju, nesekoju brokeriem, bet interaktīvais arī atrāvasblansh blansh blansh uz sveicieša svarstibam, te krievu internetā redzēju : http://utmagazine.ru/posts/6008-alpari-bankrot-chto-proishodit-na-rynkah-foreks-brokerov-fxcm-ibkr

Stefani Bandera
Pievienots: 04.08.2023
Ziņojumi: 315
Re: Currency Traiding
22.11.2023 13:19

kāds pārdod monētu ANO 50(lati). Uzrakstiet cenu un telefonu, atzvanīšu.

Forumu saraksts/Valūtas tirgi/Currency Traiding
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