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Forumu saraksts/Reklāma/USA Virtual bankas konts un prepaid Debit MasterCard®
Pievienots: 26.07.2012
Ziņojumi: 5
USA Virtual bankas konts un prepaid Debit MasterCard®
26.07.2012 21:11
For non-resident I can recommend the Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard® Card and you get also Real USA Virtual bank account  
Sign Up!  http://share.payoneer-affiliates.com/a/clk/2xkRhW
You get Virtual bank account for free?Get paid with the US Payment Service A US account and routing number linked to your card will allow you to receive US ACH/Direct Deposit transfers from select US corporations, including PayPal, Amazon, Google Adsense, CJ.com, Apple and more!
Receive payments from any of our partners Simply sign in to your online account with the partner and selec Payoneer as your payment method.
Anyone can load your card Receive private loads from anyone worldwide via Visa/MasterCard®.
http://share.payoneer-affiliates.com/a/clk/2xkRhW Thanks,
Forumu saraksts/Reklāma/USA Virtual bankas konts un prepaid Debit MasterCard®
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